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Anand Kalpoe

Anand Kalpoe

Managing Director, Energy Authority of Suriname

Anand Kalpoe has a Master of Science degree in Electrical Engineering, Energy Systems, which he obtained at the University of West Indies. He started his professional career as a full-time researcher/lecturer at AdeK University of Suriname, which also provided him with ample opportunities to participate in and lead various power systems and control systems consultancy projects.

He represented ADEKUS as a member of the Supervisory Board of the Energy Authority Suriname (EAS) for two terms. Furthermore, he also held a position in the IEC-NEC commission at the Suriname Standards Bureau.

As of April 01st, 2024, he holds the position of managing director of the Energy Authority Suriname (electricity regulator)

His (professional) ambitions are to contribute to:

- Acquiring and disseminating knowledge and experience in the reliable and sustainable integration of renewable energy systems into the electrical power systems of Suriname.

- Efficiency improvement of the generation and use of electrical energy in Suriname.