Dr. Riad Nurmohamed
Riad Nurmohamed was born on June 25, 1974 in Suriname, is married and has 1 child. As a student of the Zinnia School, he then followed the Mulo training at the Hendrik School and then obtained his VWO diploma at the Mr. dr. J.C. The Miranda Lyceum I. In 1992 he started the study “Infrastructure, orientation Civil engineering” at AdeKUS. As a student, during the economically difficult period, Riad worked part-time for a number of years at a computer company. He graduated Cum Laude in 1998. He then worked for 1 year at the Ministry of Public Works. He then left for Belgium on a scholarship and graduated with pleasure from the Vrije Universiteit Brussel/Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium) in 2000 for the master's degree “Water Resources Management”. After his return to Suriname in 2000, he started full-time with his work at ADEKUS, course Infrastructure and was also a part-time teacher at the PTC. In 2009 - 2020 he is program coordinator of the “Education and Research Program in Sustainable Management of Natural Resources” of AdeKUS. In 2020 he was appointed Lector Magnus of the University of Suriname. From the year 2000 he has fulfilled various tasks such as policy advisor at the Ministry of Public Works, Member of Supervisory Boards and Commissioners for Ministries, and member of various committees of AdeKUS and internationally.
In the year 2008 he graduated Cum Laude from ADEK for his PhD study in collaboration with the Free University of Brussels. His topic was “The Impact of Climate Change and Climate Variability on Water Resources” in Suriname. During this period to date, he has attended several conferences around the world, published peer reviewed papers, gave presentations, served on international committees, led and conducted several research projects, and organized several workshops nationally and internationally. He is currently a full-time teacher and researcher at AdeKUS and is mainly involved in the master's program “Sustainable Management of Natural Resources”. In the period 2015-2020 he was also a member of the Parliament of Suriname in the VHP. Currently 2020-present, he is Minister of Public Works. He has been chairman of the Jnan Adhin Knowledge Institute of the VHP (2016-2020). He has held various positions within the VHP, including chief board member/vice-chairman (2014-2016), former vice-chairman of the Scientific Bureau (2011-2016), former member of the Advisory Council (2000-2005) and member of various VHP committees. His work on AdeKUS, in the VHP and in the DNA is characterized by recorded documents, presentations with facts, figures, references, photos, etc. that are available to everyone.